Construction Machinery Industry

6 Benefits of a Self-Loading Concrete Mixer

Construction companies require freshly made, high-quality concrete at the construction site almost every other day. You can ensure that your workers get a steady supply of concrete so that they don’t have to stop working suddenly. As the name suggests, this type of concrete mixer can load the ingredients on its own. All you have to do is measure the ingredients on its weighing machine and let it do its job. It’s a user-friendly model that reduces the need for workers to carry make concrete manually. Here are a few characteristics of a self-loading concrete mixer (бетономешалка с самозагрузкой) that you should know about:

Benefits of a Self-Loading Concrete Mixer
China Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale

● It weighs the ingredients, mixes them thoroughly, and finally, delivers the concrete to the working site.
● You can use it as a transit mixer, batching plant, or concrete loader to fulfill the requirements of your workers.
● These machines also come with a batch controller that only provides the quantity of concrete the workers need. The rest remains stored in a collection chamber.
● They usually have crab steering and you can maneuver the machine on practically any terrain.

Self Loading Concrete Mixer Cost
Self Loading Concrete Mixer For Sale

Why use a self-loading concrete mixer

A self-loading concrete mixer (автобетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой) is quite beneficial for construction companies. Here are a few reasons why:

1. It can make high-quality, fresh concrete right at your construction site. Make sure you pour the ingredients in the right quantities to achieve the quality of concrete that people say is the best.
2. The weighing system makes it easier for everyone to make high-quality concrete. Previously, when workers had to make concrete manually, they would add ingredients according to the ratio that they thought is appropriate. That was an inaccurate method and usually resulted in inferior quality concrete. Thanks to the weighing system, there is no guesswork involved with these machines now.
3. A self-loading concrete mixer (бетоносмеситель с самозагрузкой) can reduce manual labor by nearly 70 to 80%. This means you can use those laborers in other departments so that they can finish the construction project quickly. Moreover, these machines are easy to operate. You can hire just one operator who can use the mixer and provide readymade concrete to everyone at the construction site.
4. You can move the concrete mixer to different parts of your working area. The machine can work on all types of grounds. Just make sure that the guy responsible for operating the concrete mixer is experienced enough to handle this type of machine. He will move the mixer to different areas of the construction site and deliver concrete as and when required.
5. These mixers usually come with 4-wheel drive systems. These systems extend the utility of the machines even in tough working sites. For example, it’s usually tough to carry concrete in rocky areas but you can take a self-loading concrete mixer without any doubts in your mind.
6. It can reduce your overall operational costs. You would need less number of laborers to carry concrete from one place to another.

It is true that a self-loading concrete mixer is a boon to the construction industry. Buy one if you want to increase productivity at work. If you want to buy self-loading concrete mixers, AIMIX in China is a good choice.